How To Download Unlimitedly On Your Etisalat With 0:0k (psiphon vpn) - January 2016

How to use Magic IP’s Etisalat Unlimited Free Browsing with Psiphon Vpn =>On Mobile Settings
Set your Access Point network settings as: APN: ETISALAT IP proxy: Blank PORT: Blank =>On Psiphon VPN Click HERE to Download the New version of Psiphon handler for android device Open your Psiphon vpn and set as follows: Under Proxy type select : reverse proxy
Under Proxy server: or Then leave the others and save. You will get a pop up message asking if you want to use psiphon browser only or Tunnel whole device. Make sure you choose tunnel whole device Then it will take you to the next screen, click on the option tab. Under region select USA server. Then click on more option. Under “proxy settings”’ check the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box. Mark Use the following settings THEN USE THESE SUPER FAST IP's AND PORT
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