Collection of best merry xmas messages for December 2015-MERRY CHRISTMAS

MERRY XMAS ALL MY VIEWERS. This wonderful season is here again and Nairakits is here to give you good text messages you can send to you loved ones this wonderful day as we celebrated our Saviour Jesus Christ. Lets show love to our friends and family dis day. Various categories below

Collections of Christmas Messages.

Christmas is not a time nor a season,
But a state of mind,
To cherish peace and goodwill,
To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Christmas hath a darkness;
Brighter than the blazing noon;
Christmas hath a chillness
Warmer than the heat of June,
Christmas hath a beauty
Lovelier than the world can show:
for Christmas bringeth Jesus,
Brought for us so low
Oh, God…..
Help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the songs of the angels
the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men
& may Christmas morning make us happy to be your children.
We pray that God presence is especially near dear to u this Christmas.
Lets welcome the year which is fresh & new
Lets cherish each moment it beholds
Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas
May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth & love.
Christmas is the time of giving & sharing.
It is the time of loving & forgiving.
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
Somehow, not only 4 Christmas
But all the long year through
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to u.
 A New year
A New Start
A New Chapter
A New Beginning
forget the bad
Cherist the GOOD
I sincerely wish you a very blessed new year ahead. happy new year.
A song was heard at Christmas
To wake the midnight sky
A saviour’s birth, and peace on earth
& praise to God on high.
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love
Happy Christmas
Faith makes all thingz possible,
Hope makes all thingz work,
Love makes all thingz beautiful,
May U have all da three for this Christmas.

Collections of Christmas Love Messages.

Two things upon this changing earth
can neither change nor end;
the splendor of Christ’s humble birth,
the love of friend for friend…
Joy resounds in the hearts of those
who believe in the miracle of Christmas!
Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love
of the season! Season’s Greetings!
God is Love, Christmas is all about love,
Christmas is thus about God and Love,
Love is the key to peace among all mankind,
Love is the key to peace and happiness within all creation,
Love needs to be practiced � love needs to flow � love needs to make happy…
From Home to home,
& heart to heart,
from one place to another.
The warmth & joy of Christmas,
brings us closer to each other.
Suppose one morning you never wake-up.
Do all your friends know u love them?.
Sometimes I LOVE YOU can heal & bless.
So, tell your friends this 3 little words & see what it can do.
So, just in case I die tonight, I LOVE U!.
Christmas may be many things
or it may be a few.
For u, the joy
is each new toy
for me
it’s watching you.
If one night a big fat man
jumps in at your window grabs
you and puts u in a sack
don’t worry I told Santa
I wanted u for CHRISTMAS
Frosty days & ice still nights
Fir trees trimmed with tiny lights
Sound of sleigh bells in the snow
That was Christmas long ago.
Love came down at Christmas
Love all lovely, love divine
Love was born at Christmas
Stars & angels gave the sign.
I know I’ve told u many times
How much I love u, Dear
& how it seems to me
u grow still sweeter every year.

Collections of Christmas Poetry

It will be Christmas in the morning, it will be Christmas
in the morning,
Snow is on the ground, it will still be there
when Christmas comes around,
It willbe Christmas in the morning, it will be Christmas
in the morning,
Christmas is a wonderful time,
bright lights on the Christmas tree, I just love
the way they shine-
It will be Christmas in the morning, It will be
Christmas in the morning-
The snow is on the ground and I know its
gonna stay, it will still be there the morning of Christmas day.
The Christ-child lay on Mary’s lap.
His hair was like a light.
The Christ-child lay on Mary’s breast.
His hair was like a star.
The Christ-child lay on Mary’s heart.
His hair was like a fire.
The christ-child stood on Mary’s knee.
His hair was like a crown.
& all the flowers looked up at Him.
& all the stars looked down.
Bright Christmas stars shine on high,
Golden stars in the wint’ry sky
Christmas candles in windows bright
Send s greeting into the night
While in our hearts the Christmas flame
Glows with a love like his who came
The infant Christ of lowly birth
To bring good will & peace to earth.
B4 the ice is in the pools,
Before the skaters go,
Or any cheek at nightfall
Is tarnished by the snow,
B4 the fields have finished,
B4 the Christmas tree,
Wonder upon wonder
Will arrive to me!
Can the wind across the snow
Howl enough of frozen pain?
Return to where the children go.
In love and hope begin again.
So did Christ return to Earth
That lovers might renew their love.
May all ur longing bring to birth
A passion that no wind can move,
So, strong no wind can stronger prove.

Collections of Christmas Jokes

A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas.
After hearing about this extravagant gift, a friend of his said,
“I thought she wanted one of those sporty four-wheel-drive vehicles.”
“She did,” he replied.
“But where was I going to find a fake Jeep?”
There was a young lady named may.
Who was taking a ride in her sleigh.
She ran out of snow.
Her sleigh wouldn’t go.
Now her horse pulls an old Chevrolet! .
Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who loves u true
Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who loves u more
Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks
Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d one who really waits.
The dancing waves
The noisy crowd
The grazing breeze
Have no meaning
When u are not wid me
How to cats greet each other at Christmas ?
“A furry merry Christmas & Happy new year”
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Mary who?
Mary Christmas!
When you stop believing in Santa Claus
is when u start getting clothes 4 Christmas
As a little girl climbed onto Santa’s lap, Santa asked the usual, “& what would you like 4 Christmas?”
The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped: “Didn’t u get my E-mail?
What did the bald man say when he got a comb 4 Christmas ?
Thanks, I’ll never part with it
Saint Nicholas is the main Clause
His wife is a relative Clause
His children are dependent Clauses
Their Dutch uncle is a restrictive Clause
Santa’s elves are subordinate Clauses

Collections of Christmas Wishes

Wouldn’t life be worth the living
Wouldn’t dreams be coming true
If we kept the Christmas spirit
All the whole year through?
I love the Christmas tide, and yet
I notice this, each year I live
I always like the gifts I get
But how I love the gifts I give!
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on Earth, good will to men!
Good news from heaven the angels bring
Glad tidings to the earth they sing
To us this day a child is given
To crown us with the joy of heaven.
Christmas, here again.
Let us raise a loving cup
Peace on earth, goodwill to men
And make them do the washing up
Love, Peace and Joy came down on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful.
May Christmas spread cheer in your lives! merry christmas…
I hope life treats you kind,
& I hope you have all you ever dream of,
I wish you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity but above all this I wish u love this christmas.
This Christmas give us a message that we should live unite with great peace,
So, here is a bundle of some sweet wishes for you.
Merry Christmas…
Be lavish with ur kindness and u will b rewarded.
Be merciful and u will b blessed!
happy Christmas…
Let this Christmas b a period of reflection on our past & project to better them the years before us,
Let us show greater love & care for one another more in this year.

Collections of Christmas Thank You Messages

Thank you 4 the wonderful gift.
You have outdone urself again.
For being selfless.
For being generious.
For being our big Santa.
You have all our love.
We wish you the best tidings.
This season.
Merry Christmas!.
You are one with a mighty heart.
To give so much to people.
Around u, this kindness is rare.
Thanks so much for the present.
Live long & prosper this 2012!.
Thanks 4 the Vintage gift.
You deserve better than the.
Fruitcake I sent.
I will make it up to u.
How about a few chugs.
Of Christmas beers?.
I want to thank u.
For being so kind.
To us the past year.
I hope you like the rum cake.
& the spicy cheese.
We got 4 you.
Merry Christmas!
We r so happy ur new baby is here.
We send u blessings, luv & lots of cheer!
Of all the blessings God sends from above
the one most precious is a new baby to love.
A gift from above
May ur heart always feel the love
May God stay with u this day
and give u peace of mind
May He give u a happy heart
and Hiz love all the time

Collections of Christmas Prayers

Almighty God
who has poured upon us the new light of your Incarnate Word
grant that the same light enkindled in our hearts
may shine forth in our lives
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a little town
& whose spirit still brings music to persons all over the world
in towns both large & small.
Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus
that we may share in the song of the angels
the gladness of the shepherds
& worship of the wise men.
We’re wishing u a Christmas
Full of laughter, love & light
With delicious holiday foods
To excite ur appetite.
Late Christmas Eve, when all was still
& the room was dark as night
The Christmas tree lit magically
It was a fantastic sight!
Lord God,
we praise you for creating man,
and still more for restoring him in Christ,
Your Son shared our weakness,
may we share his glory,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever…
Lord Jesus,
Plz forgive me for being so grumpy as I trudge through the never-ending taks set before me this holiday season,
My to-do list seems to keep growing with shopping, church services, and family gatherings,
& I’m running short of time!
Restore the joy of Christmas to my heart . . .
and help me to relax each day and make time for U, my one true Source of Joy.
Close the door of hate,
Open the door of love all over the world,
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting,
Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts….
In this holy night Christians throughout the world are celebrating Christ’s birth,
Unite us in one family that we may shine with the one light that scatters all our darkness.
The happiest
movements in the life those
which share with friends
do not lose your friends
if anyone cross to you try to
make him beside you


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