How To Browse and Download Unlimitedly With your MTN Line With MTN UNLIMITED BIS of 70 naira for 1day

Yes. Am back. The coolest way to browse and download unlimitedly with your MTN line for just 100naira a day using mtn unlimited bis plan I have been using this tweak for over a month now and i have used more than 100gb. I know most of you might have been using openvpn & Droidvpn to power this mtn bis. But it hardly connects now. Even if it connects by luck it bearly powers your apps and gives daily bandwiths. Now we have sourced for another means to enjoy Mtn Bis on both PC and Android phone even without having to face much stress or daily download limit. So here is the deal. SimpleServer VPN is what am talking about, it works faster at the rate of 500kbps upto 1mb-2mbps depending on how good the mtn network in your area is. SO FIRST THINGS FIRST •Subscribe for the Mtn 1day (24hrs) Unlimited BIS by sending ~~ bblited to 21600. This will cost you 70 naira only. Note: you can also subscribe the weekly and monthly unlimited BIS as well. They all work fine WHATS NEXT? ...